
Xeomin vs Botox: What Are The Differences?

In the realm of aesthetic dermatology, the quest for youthfulness often leads practitioners and patients to two key players in the fight against wrinkles: Xeomin and Botox. As a dermatologist, staying informed about the nuances between these treatments is pivotal for patient care. In this blog post, we will delve into the intricacies of Xeomin and Botox, comparing their mechanism of action, side effects, cost, duration of results, and suitability for different patient groups.

Xeomin vs

Mechanism of Action

Both Xeomin and Botox are neuromodulators, a type of injectable that temporarily relaxes muscles to smooth out dynamic wrinkles, those formed from repeated facial expressions. Their active ingredient, botulinum toxin type A, blocks the release of a neurotransmitter called acetylcholine, which signals muscle contractions.


Xeomin is often referred to as the ‘naked’ neuromodulator due to the absence of accessory proteins surrounding the active molecule. This unique composition means it may have less risk of developing resistance, as the immune system is less likely to recognize and target it.


Botox, on the other hand, contains additional protective proteins that cluster around the botulinum toxin. While this may potentially lead to antibody formation over time, Botox has a long track record of efficacy and safety.

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Side Effects

Though both products have similar profiles, there are subtle differences to consider:


Being a purer form of botulinum toxin, Xeomin might present a lower chance of allergic reactions or antibody resistance. Common side effects include minor bruising, swelling, or redness at the injection site.


Similarly, Botox side effects often include temporary bruising or swelling, with the rare occurrence of headaches or eyelid drooping when not administered correctly.


The cost of treatment can vary widely based on geographic location, provider expertise, and dosage required. Generally, Xeomin tends to be slightly more affordable per unit than Botox. However, because these products have different potencies, direct price comparisons may not be straightforward.

Duration of Results

Both Xeomin and Botox have a working duration that ranges between three to six months, with results typically peaking at around two weeks post-injection. It’s important for patients to understand that individual metabolism plays a significant role in how long the benefits of either treatment will last.

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Suitability for Different Patient Groups

Xeomin’s lack of complexing proteins makes it an excellent option for patients with a history of developing antibodies to Botox, potentially offering longer-lasting results for this subset. Botox, celebrated for its consistency and safety profile, may continue to be the go-to for the majority of patients who have had successful treatments with it in the past.


In conclusion, Xeomin and Botox share a common goal: the rejuvenation and revitalization of aging skin through the temporary reduction of dynamic wrinkles. The choice between them requires a personalized approach that considers the patient’s medical history, aesthetic goals, and potential risk factors. Both options offer dermatologists versatile tools in delivering satisfaction and improved self-image to their patients.

While this blog does not feature case studies, dermatologists should continue to stay updated with current literature and share their experiences amongst peers for collective learning and advancement in treatment applications. Whether you lean towards the innovation of Xeomin or the tried-and-true reliability of Botox, the power to transform lives through enhanced dermatological care remains the paramount mission.

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Frequently Asked Questions About Botox and Xeomin

  1. Is Xeomin better than Botox?

While “better” is subjective, some patients and practitioners prefer Xeomin because it’s considered a “naked” neurotoxin without complexing proteins, which may reduce the chance of developing resistance over time. However, Botox tends to have more extensive and longer-term studies behind its effectiveness and safety.

  1. Who should not use Xeomin?

Individuals with a known hypersensitivity to any botulinum toxin preparation or to any of the components in the formulation should avoid Xeomin. Those with an infection at the proposed injection site should also refrain from treatment.

  1. How many units of Xeomin is equal to Botox?

Generally, Xeomin and Botox units are considered equivalent. This means one unit of Xeomin has a similar effect as one unit of Botox in treating wrinkles.

  1. What lasts longer: Botox, Dysport, or Xeomin?

The effects of Botox, Dysport, and Xeomin last roughly the same amount of time, typically around 3 to 4 months, but this can vary depending on the individual, the area treated, and the number of units injected.

  1. Is Xeomin cheaper than Botox?

Prices for Xeomin can sometimes be slightly lower than for Botox, but this varies widely by clinic and region. Always choose a provider based on their qualifications and your comfort with them, not just cost.

  1. Does Xeomin work faster than Botox?

Some patients report seeing results from Xeomin faster than Botox, potentially within 1-2 days, but the average time to see the full effect for both remains around 7-14 days post-injection.

  1. Why choose Botox over Xeomin?

Botox has a longer track record, being the first botulinum toxin approved for cosmetic use, and some patients may respond better to it due to its formulation. Personal preference and individual response often guide this decision.

  1. Is Xeomin as safe as Botox?

Yes, when administered by a qualified professional, Xeomin is considered to be as safe as Botox. Both have similar profiles in terms of side effects and safety.

  1. Will Xeomin make me look younger?

Xeomin can help reduce the appearance of dynamic wrinkles which can result in a more youthful appearance, but it does not stop the aging process.

  1. What is stronger than Botox?

The strength isn’t the primary factor between Botox and similar products; rather, it’s how each individual responds to the treatment.

  1. Can I move my face after Xeomin?

Yes, normal facial expressions can still be made after Xeomin injections. The goal is to relax specific muscles that cause wrinkles, not to inhibit facial movement entirely.

  1. What is better than Botox?

There isn’t a one-size-fits-all answer to this question. Botox may be more effective for some, while others may prefer the results of alternative treatments like Xeomin or Dysport.

  1. What do celebrities use instead of Botox?

While many celebrities do use Botox, others might opt for alternatives like filler injections, laser treatments, or even newer brands of neurotoxin injections.

  1. What is the best Korean Botox?

Korean Botox typically refers to similar botulinum toxin products developed in Korea. The “best” will depend on a variety of factors including patient needs and preferences.

  1. What is the newest competitor to Botox?

New competitors to Botox emerge periodically as advancements in cosmetic dermatology continue. As of this writing, Daxxify is one of the latest additions to the market, with claims of a longer duration effect.

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