
Top 5 Benefits Of Apples For Human Health

The benefits of apples are countless, but we will tell you about the most important health benefits.

Did you know that apples contain soluble fiber?

Eating an apple a day will be beneficial for you, especially if you care about your blood vessel health.

Studies have found that a component in apples helps prevent colorectal cancer.

Some vitamins found in apple peel are almost absent in apple flesh, so instead of eating apples peeled, you should eat unpeeled apples.

If you eat an apple a day, the apoptotic component of the polyphenols in the apple can cause the death of the cancer cell.

One of the most consumed fruits in the world, apples are constantly praised as a “miracle food”, but what makes this fruit so special is the vitamins A, E, B6, C, K, B1, B2, and its health benefits.

Now, we will take a look at the health benefits of apples.

Apples are extremely rich in important antioxidants, flavonoids, and dietary fiber.

The phytonutrients and antioxidants in apples may help reduce the risk of developing cancer, hypertension, diabetes, and heart disease.

So, what are the other health benefits of apples?

What Is An Apple?

Apples are an edible fruit of malus trees of the Rosaceae family.

There are more than 7,500 varieties of these delicious fruits (red, yellow and green).

Often called “miracle food” and “nutritional powerhouse,” apples are high in fiber and vitamin C, and are also low in calories.

Apple also strengthens the body with the help of nutrients, vitamins and elements it contains and helps in the fight against diseases.

Apples are so useful that the saying that an apple a day keeps the doctor away has been used correctly.

Unfortunately, Apples are greatly underestimated.

Apples Reduce The Risk Of Disease

Benefits Of Apple

Many scientific studies have repeatedly confirmed that a diet rich in fruits and vegetables can significantly reduce the risk of chronic diseases.

The reason for this preventive effect of fruits and vegetables is hidden in the high content of phytochemicals (secondary plant substances).

Epidemiological studies have always shown a link between apple consumption and a reduced risk of cancer, asthma, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease.

Studies on the chloridzin substance in apples show that it protects against loss of bone density, and therefore makes an important contribution to the prevention of osteoporosis.

However, the composition of active substances varies greatly depending on the apple variety.

The composition also changes during the ripening process, so that unripe apples provide different plant matter than ripe apples.

Storage also has an effect on the phytochemical content, but less so than processing into compotes, apple sauce, or boiled juices.

This is why you should never cook apples.

It might be a good idea to add the apple to your menu every day.

Especially during the autumn harvest, it has many benefits for weight loss, prevention of asthma, protection from cancer, cleaning the liver, renewing the intestinal flora and the brain.

The benefits of apple cider vinegar will draw your attention in our article.

Benefits Of Apple

Here are the incredible health benefits of apples.

1. Apple Helps To Lose Weight

Benefits Of Apple

Consuming apples can be a good choice to minimize the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

When it comes to weight loss, you should definitely opt for whole apples.

They help you lose weight better than apple juice.

Eat a medium apple as a starter, about 15 minutes before the main meal.

Eating apples before breakfast makes you feel full and eat less.

The impact won’t be huge, but it will make a contribution to your success. You will find that you have saved at least 60 kcal in your diet.

In the related study, it was found that individuals ate 15 percent less food at the main meal after apple consumption.

Processed apple shapes (mash and juice) did not yield comparable results in this study.

A study in Brazil, described in the March 2003 issue of the journal Nutrition, also found that eating apples (and pears) led to weight loss in overweight people.

400 women were divided into three groups. The first group ate one serving of oat biscuits three times a day in addition to their regular meal (expected an effect because of the dietary fiber they contained).

The second group ate apples three times a day and the third pear three times a day. This research continued for 12 weeks.

The apple and pear groups each lost 1.2 kilos, while the oat biscuit group lost no weight.

Both fruit groups had healthier blood sugar levels than the oatmeal group after 12 weeks.

2. Apples And Apple Juice Can Prevent Lung Diseases

Apples And Apple Juice Can Prevent Lung Diseases

The high flavonoid content in apples strengthens lung functions, and apples can also be good for heart diseases.

The related study showed that the more quercetin (one of the flavonoids in apples) a person consumed, the lower the death rate from heart disease.

Quercetin also reduces the risk of developing lung cancer and type 2 diabetes.

It is known that the risk of stroke is reduced because apples are rich in kaempferol, naringenin and hesperetin.

In a study of 1600 adults in Australia, those who ate a lot of apples and pears did not have asthma attacks as often as they used to be.

3. Apple And Apple Juice Protect The Liver

The benefits of apples for the heart

Apples and natural cloudy apple juice are a kind of protective elixir for the liver.

According to a March 2015 study, the polyphenols in apples could possibly protect against chemicals that have a strong anti-chemical effect and are therefore toxic to the liver.

Other studies have shown that the polyphenols of apples can protect against oxidative stress, thereby protecting mitochondria (our cells’ powerhouses) from damage.

Eating apples can help you when painkillers that damage liver and intestinal cells are taken.

Indomethacin is one such pain reliever. Apples can now protect the liver and intestines from this drug, depending on the dose of the drug and the amount of apples.

At the same time, apples help the body maintain the balance in the intestinal flora, which in turn relaxes the liver.

A sick gut slows down the body’s digestion.

A large number of toxic substances are formed in the intestine and these are then detoxified through the blood in the liver.

Therefore, if you want to do something good for the liver, you should always put the health of your gut first.

Apple or apple juice can help you with this.

4. Apple And Apple Juice Are Good For The Intestines

apple strengthens immunity

It is believed that the apple has a very positive effect on health, as it helps to cleanse the intestinal flora.

Because it is known that the intestinal flora is the place where a large part of the immune system is located.

When the immune system is strong and the intestines are healthy, your body will be more resistant to diseases.

What makes apples so gut-friendly is probably the combination of flavonoids, polyphenols, and fiber (pectin).

Studies have shown that the amount of short-chain fatty acids in the gut increases after eating an apple, a sign that gut bacteria are converting the fiber in the apple into these fatty acids.

On the one hand, apples provide nutrients for the intestinal flora, on the other hand, it provides good regeneration and maintenance of the intestinal mucosa.

Because the resulting short-chain fatty acids are used as energy providers, especially by the intestinal mucosa.

5. Apple And Apple Juice Are Beneficial For The Brain

Benefits Of Apple

Among the benefits of apples, we have an important organ such as the brain.

Those who like to drink naturally cloudy apple juice (daily) may also reduce their risk of Alzheimer’s disease.

That’s because apple juice blocks the formation of beta-amyloid in the brain, according to researchers in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease in 2009.

Beta-amyloids are deposits also known as “senile plaque” and are associated with dementia.

Even if you have been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s, apples and apple juice should be part of the diet.

Regular consumption of apples can lead to an improvement in patients’ behavior, according to a June 2010 study.

Researchers from the University of Massachusetts-Lowell in the USA found that consuming a quarter-liter of apple juice per day (divided into two servings for four weeks) nearly improved their behavior and psychological symptoms in people with moderate to severe Alzheimer’s disease. 30 percent. Especially fears, irritability and delusions improved.

Apples are considered to be very high in fructose and it is known that fructose is not as good for your health as we describe here.

However, the apple example shows once again that a substance is not bad in itself, it is in what form and of course how much you consume it that matters.

Of course, you shouldn’t just live on apple juice and drink it by the liter.

In the aforementioned studies, subjects consumed no more than 250 ml of quality apple juice per day and experienced extremely positive effects despite this small amount.

As a result, eating fruit is good for you, but be careful not to be allergic to the fruit you eat.

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